Senior Officials Meetings involving full membership of the Bali Process take place ahead of Ministerial Conferences.

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The eighth Senior Official Meeting of the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime was held on 9 February at the Adelaide Convention Centre. The event was co-hosted by Ambassador Lucienne Manton, Australian Ambassador for Counter Modern Slavery, People Smuggling and Human Trafficking and Ambassador Tri Tharyat, Indonesian Director-General for Multilateral Cooperation

Meetings can include presentations from Members, Bali Process Working Groups, the Government and Business Forum and the Regional Support Office (RSO). Observers may also present, depending on the agenda and its priorities. The meetings enable a review of developments in the Bali Process region and progress around activities undertaken. 

The presentations and discussions are used to shape the agenda for the Ministerial Conference.

Bali Process Senior Official Co-Chairs

Bali Process Senior Official Co-Chairs

Ambassador Lynn Bell, Australian Ambassador to Counter Modern Slavery, People Smuggling and Human Trafficking

Ambassador Lynn Bell has been Australia’s Ambassador to Counter Modern Slavery, People Smuggling and Human Trafficking and Senior Official Co-Chair of the Bali Process since July 2023. Ambassador Bell is a career officer with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and was most recently Australia’s Assistant Secretary, Crisis Preparedness and Management Branch. She has previously served as a Senior Adviser at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and overseas in Papua New Guinea.

Ambassador Tri Tharyat, Indonesian Director-General for Multilateral Cooperation

Ambassador Tri Tharyat has held the role of Director-General for Multilateral Cooperation since April 2022. Ambassador Tharyat is a career diplomat who joined the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1991. His last position was as a Senior Adviser on Political, Legal and Security Affairs. Previously, Ambassador Tharyat has served in Indonesian missions in Nairobi, New York (Permanent Mission to the UN), and Paris. He also served as the Consul General in Hong Kong, and Ambassador in Kuwait City.

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