On 26 May 2017, the Bali Process Trafficking in Persons Working Group (TIPWG) met for the third time, in Bali, Indonesia. The meeting was co-chaired by the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Australian Attorney-General’s Department, with participants from 18 Bali Process member countries and organisations.
Members agreed to a range of priorities and action items for the TIP Working Group’s Forward Work
Plan 2017-19, including:
- an ongoing focus on information sharing between members, including through annual
meetings, regular newsletters, and use of the Regional Roadmap - continuing to expand and promote the use of the Bali Process policy guides on Criminalizing
Trafficking in Persons and Migrant Smuggling, Identifying and Protecting Victims of Trafficking
in Persons, and Following the Money in Trafficking in Persons Cases. - promoting effective engagement with the private sector and civil society, including considering
how the Working Group may complement the work of the Bali Process Business and
Government Forum - continuing to build Bali Process members’ capacity to use ‘follow the money’ tools in human
trafficking cases - strengthening member countries’ capacity to combat labour and sexual exploitation, including
promoting international best practice in combatting them in supply chains - tackling corruption as a key facilitator of human trafficking, and
- strengthening international cooperation to support investigation of human trafficking.
Following the Money in Trafficking in Persons Workshop
The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Australian Attorney-General’s Department co -chaired the Bali Process Consultation Workshop on the Policy Guide on Following the Money in Trafficking in Persons Cases in Bali, Indonesia, from 23-24 May 2017.
The workshop was attended by 91 participants, including from 37 countries and 3 international organisations of the Bali Process. The workshop was opened by Salman Alfarisi, Acting Director General for Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia and Dr Helena Studdert, Australian Consul-General to Bali, Indonesia.
The workshop was a Bali Process Trafficking in Persons Working Group (TIP Working Group) event, to review and finalise the policy guide and a related training module. The policy guide and training module respond to a direction from the March 2016 Bali Process Ministerial Conference. Recognizing the importance of targeting the financial incentives for transnational crime, Ministers
recommended that the TIP Working Group develop regional guidance on this issue.